About Me...

One of the things that gets me about websites has always been the about me page. Yes, I get that you are a little curious about who I am and why you might want to listen to me. But did you know that the About Me page of your website is the most visited page on your site in most cases?

No pressure right?

You’ve made it here and you are probably wondering, “What is a Fractional Director of Operations? What does a DOO do? How can they help me with my business? This stuff makes me feel like my hair is on fire. Who would be crazy enough to take on a career around operations, project management, and strategy?”

You see other Visionaries hitting their big goals and you wonder, "What is their secret? Why am I struggling with this? Who said being the Boss was going to include wearing all these hats?"

What you don’t see is that most of these Visionaries have a secret weapon - they have a Director of Operations. Oh they may not go by that title, but they have someone behind the scenes who is happy not to be seen and who loves making all the trains run on time and on the right tracks.

As a fractional DOO, I partner with founders and business owners who are operating a 1:1 model business and are transitioning to a hybrid model that will include digital courses and products to scale their business to the next level.

I help create sustainable businesses through a holistic approach that aligns with their lifestyle, allowing them to focus on what they do best. Together, we craft a North Star plan—a roadmap with personalized strategies and actionable steps to simplify growth.

By removing overwhelm and focusing on what's most effective, I enable CEOs to scale their businesses with clarity and confidence, achieving their next milestone while maintaining balance.

Here’s the deal. I love figuring things out and breaking things down into steps. I love creating to-do lists and tracking tasks. I always have. I get a wee bit giddy when I get to check something off my list. The other thing is I'm really good at it. It comes naturally. Projects, Tasks, Automations, Workflows, creating a process...I love it and I love seeing how it moves a business forward.

My newest office assistant in training and napping on the job.

What I bring to the table is my knowledge of years of working in other businesses and in my own businesses. I understand the mechanics of what needs to be in place to make your business run from day to day. Things like fulfillment, customer service, marketing and visibility, financial steadiness, data tracking, and a few more.

And the best part? If you get these pieces right, people rave about you. They love you and they love working with your business.

As a Fractional DOO, I am dedicated to partnering with you to reach your milestones by providing tailored strategies and streamlined systems. I understand how to take the 30,000 foot view and turn it into the projects and tasks that move your vision to reality.

I provide personalized planning and ongoing consulting services.

I leverage my natural skills in data analysis and strategic thinking to create effective business solutions for my clients. I help them optimize their operations and projects allowing them to achieve their goals by tracking metrics and identifying what works best for their business.

If this sounds good to you, then head over to my Work with Me page or check out my North Star Roadmap package that I have available. Let’s connect.

P.S. If you are reading this and still wondering about me the person, well I will give you the short version. I am wife and mom to three awesome kiddos (a set of boy/girl twins and their rascal of a little brother). I love homesteading and chickens. I live in the country and the only true downfall is that sometimes the internet connections aren’t always the greatest. And I truly love living my life. It’s not always rainbows, kittens, and fairy dust, but most of the time it comes pretty close.

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